What is Tribe?

Tribe is a 6-month discipleship community within The Pursuit of Manliness. Men of Tribe commit to growing spiritually & relationally by daily Bible reading, a supplemental book, weekly challenge videos, Zoom Calls and more.

Field Guide.

For 6 months men will utilize their Field Guide to keep them on track with their Bible reading, supplemental reading. ,weekly challenge videos, zoom calls, areas of focus, prayer request and more. The field guide maps out the 6 months to let each man know where the journey is headed. If you find yourself lost or realizing you checked out a bit the Field Guide will get you back on the same page with the Tribe.

Challenge Videos.

Each week men will have a new challenge video waiting for them. The challenge will be communicated through video and presented to The Tribe. Men have an opportunity to not only engage in the challenge but allow others to respond to what they have shared. The Challenge Videos are one of the fastest ways men begin to connect and grow together.

Supplemental Reading

To supplement our Bible reading we will incorporate another book that we will benefit from during this 6-month window. Each Tribe session has a different reading plan and assigned book. The book with the field guide will be mailed to you shortly after you register. Peridically throughout the 6-months we will have a challenge or zoom call dedicated to an aspect of the book to help with the application.


What does it cost to be a part of Tribe?

The cost is $150, this is paid in full at registration. With each session of Tribe you will receive two mailings from Tribe. The first will contain the Tribe covenant, Field Guide for the 6 months, the book we are reading, and decal for that session. The second will have our Tribe patch for that session and challenge coin. This package will be mailed out around 4 months into the session.

What is a Zoom call?

We utilize zoom.us to connect with guys all over the country. There are about 26 or so Zoom Calls every session. Many of them are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 9 PM EST. There are also several others that will be at varying time during the day or weekend. We also offer at least 3 Marriage Zoom Calls each session for those who are married to join with their spouse if they would like.

Do I need to pay all $150 up front?

Yes, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is because it’s a commitment, not only from you but from the Tribe as well. It is so easy to start something and quit, especially when the new wears off. The second reason is if you pay the money up front, your wife is on board with you doing it as well, your participation and engagement in the group is more than likely to go up. You know you have paid money, invested in your personal growth and desire to get something out of it.

When does it start and end?

The next session of Tribe begins Friday December 1st and runs until Friday May 31st. Registration runs from September 24th-Sunday November 19th. Materials will be sent around the middle to October and following. Everyone will be invited to the Tribe community on Friday November 24th 2023.

Do I need a Facebook account?

No, you do not need a Facebook account, but I will admit that you will get more out of it if you do. Unfortunately, we live in a social media driven world, and Facebook has several features that make developing community easier. You will still get the challenge videos and participate in our bi-weekly Zoom calls.

What about this online stuff?

I will admit I am not the biggest fan of social media and online things either. However what I have seen during my 6 years of Tribe is rarely does the community remain online. We have men from all over the globe, if you want to connect and meet up there will be opportunities. If you want to keep your distance online you can do that as well. You will get far more out of this community that you can anticipate.

What The Men In Tribe Are Saying:

I was first introduced to The Pursuit of Manliness almost 2 years ago. I attended the retreat in 2022 and found a group of men that didn't care about pedigrees. They were there to fellowship and worship God. I came home from that retreat so fired up, that my wife signed me up for Tribe a few days later. In Tribe I have found a community of men that I didn't know I needed. These men inspire me to be better. I gain so much from reading their posts about the daily Bible reading. Participating in the Zoom calls has helped me to get more rooted in this community and I now have friends and brothers that I would never have met otherwise. 

— Gene Smith | Kentucky

I joined the Herd and Tribe during what turned out to be the hardest time in my life, after me and my wife experienced the miscarriage of our third child. While part of me felt like pulling away from the world, I felt God was telling me to dig into his word and draw closer to him… so with tears in my eyes that’s what I did. This community has not only given me a sense of brotherhood with other Christians, it has also kept me opening my Bible, and helped me develop the habit of being in the word daily. Anyone on the fence about diving into this community, I would say just do it! Try Tribe at least once, and definitely get involved in the community. As session 12 of Tribe passes the halfway point, I can say I’m glad I did it! And I will continue to be apart of the POM community.

Josh Lawson | Oklahoma

I have been a member of Tribe and the Pursuit of Manliness since the fall of 2021. Not only have I grown closer to God through scripture reading, prayer, and discussions on Zoom, I have been amazed at the relationships that have grown out of this online community. I have been richly blessed with brotherhoods that I would never have been met otherwise. We have one common denominator that brings us together and unifies us, and that is Christ. Thankful to Jarrett and to all the men who are willing to be vulnerable and accountable to one another to grow closer to each other and God.

— Joshua McClelland | Pennsylvania

More Importantly…What The Wives Are Saying:

“David joining Tribe has made his walk in the faith stronger. He has been in a better mood. He has influenced me and the girls to take our Bible Study more serious. It seems like a great group of Christian men that he can count on.”

— Emily | Tennessee

Tribe has done many things for my husband. As if he wasn’t already wonderful enough, tribe has made him more accountable to and intention with his brothers, our family and our savior. What I love most that tribe has done is give my husband a place to share and grow in brotherhood. Aron has long desired for fellowship with likeminded brothers to grow in his faith with. I’ll forever be grateful for tribe for supplying this for him. And even more that it’s a group of guys who are always looking to grow their faith and family. Aron Is a faithful man of his faith and I’m thankful he has a group of guys to encourage and spur him along.

— Rebekah | Kentucky

My husband joined Tribe about 4 months ago. God had already begun working on him and he was reading his Bible every night for about a year at that point but was needing something more to further his growth. I have seen him be encouraged, challenged and genuinely changed by his experience in Tribe. He now has a group of men whom he prays for and who pray for him. This is something I have prayed about for many years. My husband can be introverted so I feel like Tribe fits his personality.

— Carrie | South Carolina

So a year ago my husband went to his first PoM retreat. It would be an understatement to say that he came home on fire for this ministry and for God overall. He could not stop talking about the message, the worship, and most of all the fellowship. He couldn’t believe the connections that he was able to make in a short time with this welcoming group of men. He is now in his second session of Tribe and I have seen such a difference in him, his quiet time is more dedicated and focused, his prayer time is more focused and has a purpose. HIs time with me and focus on our marriage has changed. i am so very thankful for the experiences and friendships he is building through Tribe and the Herd.

- Tia | Kentucky

I am so thankful that the Lord opened up a door to Tribe and my husband walked in faith through that door. It has been a remarkable experience to witness my husband growing not just in brotherhood and manliness, but as a husband, father, and a leader should be. He is very disciplined in his day to day walk. He has a gift of absorbing and teaching God's word. He serves our God, our family, our church family, and our community as he was called. His love and thirst to be closer to God grows everyday and I know his Tribe brothers have much to do with it. I adore and love him. I trust my husband will continue to raise our sons to know they are men in the making just as Christ teaches in his word. Keep the ministry going strong and thank you for more than words can express.

 — Carrie | West Virginia